Thursday, January 29, 2009


Annie and her handsome stud: baby Max:)
I don't look all that lovely after work hehe but it's the baby that matters anyway:)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009


Well, the video my mom took of me at Karaoke did not turn out well bc everyone was so loud; One of the songs I did sing, was Bubbly by Colbie Callait though! I took probably last summer when I was studying for something nursing related and was bored:)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Senior year of High school Wedding Project

Besides being extremely happy for my old roomate, I got nostalgic and a little bit sad the other day when I found out yet another one of my friends was getting married! I feel like I'm so far behind in life sometimes and it makes me sad:(
Senior year of highschool, in my Godly Women class, we had an assignment called our "Wedding Project;" we had to put together a project where we planned out our wedding! It was so much fun and one of the best projects. For mine, I decided to get creative and put my project into a "wedding present." So I wrapped a box with wedding paper and tied my pages into this box!

My mission statement was a letter to my future husband; it was way cute:)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


This is the son of one of the customers that comes into my work. They just got a brand new chocolate lab for Christmas and he had to show me her; her name is Roxie. When I got to their car, Roxie was sitting in a booster seat; it was so adorable; I just had to take a picture (even if it was a little bright):)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bishop Castle

At the tallest point of one of the towers; I was a little freaked out by this point!

Doug decided we should take a picture at the top of one of the towers (even though we were a little tired from climbing all the stairs and cold). I thought it best that we sit haha

At this point Doug was trying to act cool for the people coming up the steps to the tower; I was just a little scared and decided it was time to head back down before he fell off the top:)

I look like I'm pouting, but I'm not; I was just cold:)

The dragon-looking statue at the front of the castle

One of the towers: the circular object at the top of the picture had another set of stairs in it that looked incredibly unstable!

I made him hold onto me for dear life while we took this picture on the scaffolding around the towers. Side note: It looks like I have a 5 oclock shadow here but I'm thinking it was just some sort of shadow:)

Part of Bishop's Castle: It took Jim Bishop 40 years to hand build this entire castle! It was absolutly amazing!

Despite being a wee bit upset for missing both of the football games that helped determine who would be going to the Superbowl, Doug still decided to give me a smile for a picture before we left:)