Wednesday, September 30, 2009

You are my Sunshine

Ellie was a curious kitty today, jumping up on the table to smell the Sunflowers my dad bought my mom!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

An old friend from HS (Stephanie) and I reconnected after about 5 years and decided to get together! We caught up at Starbucks for coffee and a nice chat about what we've been doing since HS and then headed to the theater to see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs! We both had mentioned wanting to see it since it was one of our childhood favorite books when we were little!
I havn't seen this girl since June of 2003 when we graduated HS!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Sam's 100,000 Mile Checkup

I've had "Sam" since April of 2001, and he just now hit his 100,000mile mark! I took him in for his inspection over the weekend and just picked him up again today; he's such a big boy!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

Second Movie on AFI's top 100

Randi and I watched another movie on the top 100 list: Pulp Fiction. This was not "as bad" as the first one; I enjoyed it a little bit more. But it did have tons of swearing in it, which I did not appreciate, and a scene that absolutely disgusted me! I will NEVER ever watch this again!

Baby it's cold out here...

Last day of summer...First day of Winter? Didn't get that memo...

Snow/sleet on my car...It snowed all morning and into the afternoon

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Cog Railway up to Pikes Peak

Doug came down for part of the weekend and we were unsure of what to go do; my mom mentioned going up Pikes Peak since it was such a gorgous day out! Well we are so glad we did b/c the trees were gorgous! And it was the perfect day to go up, even if it snowed at the top, b/c the next day it snowed for the first time in Colorado Springs! We had a great time:)

Pikes Peak's famous high altitude donuts; which tasted absolutely delicious, especially dipped in hot chocolate since it was FREEZING outside at the top!

Raining over Colorado Springs...where's the snow at the top of Pikes Peak?

Oh right, spoke too soon! There's the snow:) And of course my baby was stubborn and didn't want to put on a sweatshirt!

Doug looks so happy with his hot chocolate and that it's snowing;)

The car we were on

Heading back down the cog railway to the depot! Notice how beautiful it is closer to the bottom with all the trees; and it's stopped snowing!

This couple was so cute; they were on their honeymoon! Doug got a little embarassed that I took this picture (even though they didn't even know)! Atleast I didn't ask them their names so I could stalk them on facebook and tag them in it haha

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Scarecrow Days in Old Colorado City

Mom and I walked around Old Colorado City for a while and did a little bit of shopping. It was the start of Scarecrow days so there were a few scarecrows that stores had put outside for a judging contest at the end of October. This was the only picture I took of a scarecrow; I thought it was too cute. It was the scarecrow from Wizard of oz and there were ruby slippers sticking out from underneathe a bush as well:) Way cute.

After walking around a bit, mom and I went to Agis Sophia; a coffee shop in Old Colorado City.

Sipping on my blueberry banana smoothie!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


The Only 4 Words that Got me Through my has been really draining lately...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

AFI's 100 Greatest Movies

Well I had this idea to start watching AFI's 100 greatest movies of all times; my friend Randi wasn't extremely thrilled with the idea since most of the movies are older. We decided to flip through the list at random and see if we could find one we'd never seen before, but we'd heard of; we settled on "The Graduate." ....Um definatly not one of my top 100 movies of all time! I have NO idea how this got on the list; I thought it was ridiculously stupid!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Autum Flowers

Doug came to Colorado Springs on Friday the 4th. He came up to my room bringing some beautiful fall flowers: Lillies and daisies and wild flowers; some of the lilies had not bloomed yet though:( After I got ready to go, we went out to dinner at a restraunt that Doug had dj'd a wedding reception at called Edel Weiss. It is a delicious german rest. After our early dinner we went to America the Beautiful Park and Garden of the Gods to walk around and eat our dessert:)

I came back from Doug's in Fort Collins, after Labor day weekend and my lilies had bloomed! They were so gorgous! I meant to go get my camera right away to take pictures, but I didn't:( I didn't end up taking pictures until a few days later when the lilies were already starting to die...but these are the shots I got!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Exit 235

On my way home from Fort Collins, I decided to stop off this exit and take a picture of this cute church I always see, and have always wanted to get a picture of! I had asked my old roomate Nichole which exit I should stop at between Fort collins and Co springs to take a random picture off an exit and she told me 235. Suprisingly this was the exit with my cute little church!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Monopoly:Ages 8 and UP

Doug and I were at Target today and decided that we should buy a game, so after going up and down all the toy aisles reminicing about the different types of toys we played with when we were little haha; we decided to buy Monopoly!

Doug was the top hat and I was the shoe

We played one round of monopoly, before Doug ran out of money! Hehe it was a lot of fun...even though we are both pretty competitive board game players!