Deedee, The only way I know how to tell you where it is is that it is about 20 minutes north of the Air force academy or monument, CO? Do you know where those are? I just live that far from the exit so that's where I know to tell you. It's not even really a town! I didn't explore that much b/c it was a foggy day but I loved this barn!
I lived in Colorado for 20 years - I thought I knew every inch of that state. I Google Earth Greenland and now I see how I could have missed it! Your pictures of Estes make me homesick. DeeDee
Loveland, Ft. Collins, Greeley, LaSalle and Longmont. I use to spend one week of my vacation time checking out new areas of Colorado. On weekends, short trips. I have a daughter, grandkids, sisters, aunt and cousins that still live in various places around Colorado... Estes is my all time favorite place to go!
Greenland? Colorado... where is that?
The only way I know how to tell you where it is is that it is about 20 minutes north of the Air force academy or monument, CO? Do you know where those are? I just live that far from the exit so that's where I know to tell you. It's not even really a town! I didn't explore that much b/c it was a foggy day but I loved this barn!
I lived in Colorado for 20 years - I thought I knew every inch of that state. I Google Earth Greenland and now I see how I could have missed it! Your pictures of Estes make me homesick. DeeDee
I'm sorry! I can definatly say I absolutely LOVE fall in Colorado! It's definatly my favorite season! Did you live in Estes?
Loveland, Ft. Collins, Greeley, LaSalle and Longmont. I use to spend one week of my vacation time checking out new areas of Colorado. On weekends, short trips. I have a daughter, grandkids, sisters, aunt and cousins that still live in various places around Colorado... Estes is my all time favorite place to go!
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